ultimate course

Workout Boss is a gym that caters to all ages and abilities. Whether you're looking for high intensity training or something more relaxing, they've got what it takes!

advanced training platform

Intense high-intensity interval training will leave you feeling shocked and energized for the day. Move through stations with timed intervals to challenge your system like never before!

best boxing workout

The bag is your opponent in this battle for fitness. Learn basic fighting skills and techniques while increasing muscular strength, endurance capacity and core development. Burn hundreds of calories with each session!

kickboxing fitness

Want to look and feel your best? Learn how simple it is with this total-body workout. Incorporate punches, kicks, knees & elbows as you alternate between speed drills for a quick but intense 45 minute session!


In this MMA conditioning class, you'll build endurance and strength while learning the fundamentals of mixed martial arts striking in combination with TRX suspension training. The result? A more powerful core for fighting!

Join us today and get started!